1st annual

songs for greater goods

a community concert & fundraiser at libbey bowl
sunday • september 24 • 1:30-10pm

thank you!

thank you to the ojai community for making it a huge success. Together we raised over $14,000!

Special thanks to city of ojai,  ojai international city of peace for offering use of the beautiful libbey bowl and to our


earthtrine  farmsrainbow bridge market  • pax environmental incojai playhouse shelter social club  •  revel  • topa topa brewing co  • flying embers blackhole skateshopbe wyld childmoon market


too many to name but special thank you to Eric, Lauren, and Aleksandra!


dj dollabin
chris weeces : @creewee
sugar rascals (youth surf folk)
the senate : @thesenateband
girl dad : @girldadtheband
sage stoneman : @sagestoneman
reddenhollow : @reddenhollow_
mimi gilbert : @mimigilbert_
nuri ronaghy : peace talk
the chillz : @the_chillz
moon valley choir : @moonvalleychoirojai
cuyama mama & the hot flashes : @cuyamamama
teddy macker poems
tara jane oneil : @tarajaneoneil
little wings : @regularlittlewings
hayden bean poems : @small.time.citrus
ella hue : @ellla_hue
dj heaszl : @heaszl

Gathering photos

Thanks Natasha, Karen, Ollie and others for sharing! Have a photo or two of your own to share? Please email to info@greatergoodsojai.org

Visit our full calendar to view all upcoming events.

Thu, February 20, 2025
  • live music at the ojai community farmers market

    Thu, February 20, 2025 @ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

    greater goods curates the weekly live music at the ojai community farmers market in the chaparral courtyard (just west of the skate park at corner of ojai ave. & montgomery st. behind chaparral school). Can see our instagram page for schedule updates (in stories every Wednesday) the market runs from 3-7pm every thursday, rain or shine. live music runs from about 4:30pm - 7pm from spring to fall, & 3:30pm - 6pm in the winter. See our instagram page (stories) for updates on artist schedule.